Friday, 17 October 2014


Outside the Fugard Theatre in Cape Town - this was one of the organisations we approached. They hosted an event that is affiliated to the WCD Initiative.

SO, Flashback Friday to Monday's Madness! This past Monday, the full-time BTech: PR group hosted a group of 24 Dutch students from Fonty's School of Communication, based in Eindhoven, for a few hours. We got together in order to complete an activity, whereby we needed to find out how PR was contributing or being used within organisations affiliated to the World Capital Design Initiative. In groups, we set out all over the CBD in search of these organisations in order to investigate the use of PR. It was a great way to get to know this very friendly group of people!

Cape Town - World Capital of Design for the year 2014. Stickers like these are found on organisations that are affiliated to the WCD Initiative. 

Marit, Marri, and Ida posing for photos in one of the many Design Capital Initiative's 'photo opportunity boxes' all over Cape Town - this is the Table Mountain one.

It was great getting to know the differences between the two communication courses offered by CPUT and Fonty's. They were also very interested in the similarities in languages - Afrikaans and Dutch. They are an amazing group of people, that still has a week left of their study trip.

The little social we had after our activities. 

I wish them all of the best for the rest of their trip! This can definitely be seen as one of the highlights of this BTech year. 

Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments. - Rose Kennedy. 


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